Make Money Online ($100 Per Day) To BEST AI Side Hustle

So recently on this channel I have been publishing a lot of educational content for you so please read the following information carefully. What you need to know when it comes to making money online with AI bots but what I want to do in today's video is go through some of the best I'd say any beginner should start with if you're looking to put yourself on the path to being able to make up to a hundred dollars daily profit and why I 100 dollars I believe I am one of the best people make videos like this because I am currently making money using online air technology that enables me to travel the world to become a rich man in the world while still being able to earn a source of income from our online businesses even when I'm sitting by the pool or even when I'm sitting by the beach so jumping straight into the first AI side hustle that I'm going to talk about which is uploading short from content so whether you're looking to upload videos to tick tock Instagram reels YouTube

shorts doesn't really matter the aim of the game is to build up awareness and

build up attention to your page by posting short form content that's going to be produced by someone else and you're just going to clip it up and use

it on your own platform and there's some many different people that are doing

this right now as we speak because for example if I jump onto YouTube and type

in YouTuber success and then click on search and scroll down to the short

section as you can see all of these people are uploading these short film

videos from people like Mr Beast and they're getting over 133 000 views as

well as people like Gabby vaynerchuk and they're getting over 3.2 million views

there's so many people that are doing this right now and they're able to grow

their Channel at rapid Pace but if I just click into any one of these

different videos so let me click into this one over here as you can see this

guy was able to get over 2.8 000 views but if I click into his actual channel

right here we can see that he's uploaded over 950 videos not all of them may not

be shorts but as you can see he's uploading videos from popular creators

again like Mr Beast Patrick Bet David Lewis holes Brian Tracy Grant Cardone

all of these different YouTubers he's able to get all of their different clips

and use them on his own channel and you could do the exact same thing yourself

because it's very simple to do and I'm going to show you exactly how you you

can do it but I'm going to use one of my videos as an example which is the recent

one that I just uploaded a couple hours ago and then all I simply need to do is

copy the URL just like this then I need to go over to this website over here

called Opus clips that you can find at and then it's going to be a

simple case of just create an account which you're going to be able to do for

free pasting in the URL in here just like this and then clicking on get Clips

in one click and within five minutes or so they were able to come back with all

of these short form pieces of content that I'm going to be able to upload

again to YouTube shorts Tick Tock wherever the case is and they're also

able to give me a score on which one they believe is going to be able to get

the most engagement so using an AI tool like this definitely saves so much time

when it comes to doing this particular side hustle because you're not going to

have to sit here and make all of these different videos this tool is going to

be able to do all of the work for you and give you around five different short

film videos all at the same time alright so moving on to side hustle number two

that I'm going to talk about which is to start a Facebook this YouTube channel

and promote products from Amazon so when it comes to being able to earn affiliate

commissions with the Amazon Associates program one of the best ways that you

can do it is by starting a faceless Channel where you're going to review

various different products on Amazon at the moment and there's so many different

people that are doing this right now like for example there's this Channel

that I came across today they're called top five picks and what they do is

essentially review five products within a specific category and they're

releasing videos every day whether it's the best five smart watches for kids the

best five PlayStation headsets the best five Samsung laptops they're

consistently releasing a brand new video almost every day and sometimes multiple

times in one day and if I was to click on any one of these random videos I'm

sure that they're going to have an Amazon affiliate Link in the description

so let me click into this one over here yep right there as you guys can see

they've got the US links UK links and Canadian links that go directly to

Amazon for all of the different products that they're talking about in this

particular video and as you guys can also see they're not showing their face

in any part of this video they're using various different stock images and stock

videos when it comes to producing all of the content on their Channel and the

steps for you to be able to do this yourself is quite simple first and

foremost you need to sign up for an Amazon Associates account once you get

accepted for an Amazon account you're then going to need to do research on the

products that you're going to put in your first video and one of the best

product research tools that you can use to do that is a tool called helium 10

because as you can see I've already created my account and you're going to

be able to do the same thing if you use the link in my description but what I'm

going to do is jump onto Amazon and type in laptop because let's say if I was

looking to make a video about the top 10 laptops that someone should buy all I

simply need to do is Click into the Google Chrome extension tool and then

click on x-ray Amazon product research and then it's going to show me all of

this data when it comes to me identifying the most popular laptops

that people are buying and then all I'm going to need to do is sort these cells

from highest to lowest and of course the ones that people are buying the most and

the ones that have the highest reviews over here I'm going to be able to put it

into my video and when it comes to the AI element of this particular side

hustle you're going to be able to get the names and the models for all of the

different laptops that you're going to include in your video and then come over

to chatgpt and ask it to write a YouTube script for an 8 minute video reviewing

whatever laptops you wanted to review and then you're going to be able to copy

and paste that script into a software like in video for them to produce the

entire video for you that you're going to be able to upload onto your channel

similar to what this person is doing okay so moving on to the next side

hustle that I'm going to talk about which is going to be ClickBank affiliate

marketing now with this particular side hustle there's so many different ways

that you're going to be able to utilize the power of AI when it comes to

streamlining the entire process and to show you exactly how you're going to be

able to do this first things first you need to create a ClickBank account so

I've just logged into my account and to show you an example of exactly what

someone is doing right now as we speak I'm going to click on the top offers

then what I'm going to do is sort the results from Gravity high to low and

what the gravity score is showing us is all of the affiliate offers that

majority of affiliate marketers are having success with right now so if we

look at the top one in the results which is this one if I just copy the name just

like this and then head over to this software over here called video Advil

which is a tool that you can use when it comes to spying on YouTube ads what I'm

going to do is just paste the name of the product in there just like this then

what I'm going to do is click on search and as you guys can see there's around

39 different YouTube ads that this software was able to find that contained

this keyword but the main reason why I like to use this software is because

you're going to be able to filter between the ones that's got the most

views and then scroll down and look for one where the person isn't showing their

face so let's say if you wanted to replicate this one where the person ran

the ad up until the point where they got almost 30 000 views what you can do is

just click on the play option and it's going to give you an idea of exactly

what the ad looks like and as you guys can see the person isn't showing their

is at all there's various different videos that they've used that doesn't

contain their face they're not using their own voice nothing like that and if

we want to confirm exactly where they're sending the viewers to you can click on

the add link over here and initially it takes us to this splash page but if I

want to see the actual affiliate offer I'm going to be able to click this link

yeah but right there we can see that it takes us directly to the ClickBank

affiliate page and the reason why I know there is a ClickBank page is because

right here as you can see it says it and it also clearly states the name of the

product that we saw when we was on ClickBank over here and of course when

it comes to replicating a video just like this and running our own YouTube ad

it's not going to be difficult it's the same process that you're going to use

you're going to go on to chat GPT for it to make a script then what you're going

to do is use something like in video when it comes to actually producing the

video for you alright so moving on to the next AI side hustle that I'm going

to talk about which is to start a written content website and the way that

this works is just like it sounds you're going to start a website and you're

going to produce written articles on it on a consistent basis and there's so

many different ways that you're going to be able to use AI technology when it

comes to helping you with various different parts of doing this particular

side hustle whether it's using Air Technology when it comes to building the

actual website or when it comes to using the AI Bots to help you come up with

blog article ideas or even writing the articles for you again there's so many

different elements that goes into this particular side Hustle but if I just

jump onto the laptop and show you an example of one of my written content

websites so it can be found at success for and what I mainly

do with this site is upload articles almost every day trying to educate

people and how they can have success with their online business and if I just

click on the blog tab over here the type of topics that we talk about are things

like affiliate marketing for beginners best Drop Shipping strategies to boost

profits what is check GPT and how you can use it to make money online various

different topics that can help people but some of the main things that I want

you to be aware of if you are looking to do this particular online business is

that number one you need to be consistent when it comes to releasing

articles number two you need to make sure that you're not 100 using AI when

it comes to writing all of the different articles because in my opinion I believe

that you're not going to get ranked on Google and the main aim of the game when

it comes to doing the side hustle is that you want to try and get as many of

your articles around on the first page of Google as possible and even though

this is a brand new website I've been able to successfully get multiple

different articles ranked on Google which means that I'm going to be able to

increase my chances of being able to make money through things like affiliate

marketing etc etc and to give an example of what I'm talking about if I just pick

one of these articles at random so if we look at this one over here which is the

top 10 best AI Bots to make money which was written maybe about a week ago or so

and go over to Google and paste the title of the article in there just like

that and click on search if I scroll down slightly as you can see my website

is one of the first ones that show up in the search results which again means

that I'm going to be able to get a lot of traffic going to my website which is

going to help me increase the income that I'm making from this particular

website which again means that I'm going to be able to increase the amount of

people that come to the website which obviously means I'm going to be able to

increase the amount of money that I can make from it and if you wanted to see me

make a detailed video breaking down every small step that you need to know

if you wanted to start your own website yourself then put in the comments down

below do the AI website video and I'll get onto that ASAP and if you also

wanted to sign up to my completely free email newsletter where twice a week I'm

going to send you an email when it comes to educating you on what you need to

know when it comes to starting your online business whether it's an email

about how to start a faceless automated YouTube channel how to do affiliate

marketing how to start your own content website whatever the case is you're

going to receive an email from myself personally to help you on your money

making Journey so if you want to sign up for that free newsletter make sure you click the first link in the description down below and if you also wanted to watch another YouTube video that I made not too long ago where I break down some key things that you need to know when it comes to being able to make up to 100 per day in profit as a complete beginner then make sure you click the link right

there check that out straight after this one because it's already helped out so

many people and I'm sure that's going to help you out too Alright guys I'll see

you on the next one make sure you stay safe out there peace


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