How I Make Faceless YouTube Videos in 10 Minutes with AI (Free)


last year I made a video where I detailed my attempts to make a YouTube

channel that was completely run by Fiverr gigs I use Fiverr to buy the

thumbnails to buy the editing to buy the voiceovers to buy the scripts every

single thing came from Fiverr and I'm going to give you a quick update to that

channel you can see right here the channel got 26 000 views it got over 400

hours in watch time and if we look at our dashboard the last video actually

got 900 views and was the best video we've ever put out and to be honest I

only put out 24 Total videos on that channel now there was only one problem

with that channel and that's that it was burning up cash I was spending a lot

more money that I made in fact I was making absolutely nothing from the

channel in the last few months though that problem has completely changed

because there's become an artificial intelligence tool for basically every

part of making a YouTube video and that means you're going to be able to make a

YouTube video The way I did without all the cost in fact what I'm going to show

you today is how to make a complete YouTube video in probably about 15

minutes completely for free using mostly artificial intelligence tools let's Dive

Right In now before we start there's two What you need to know about AI tools

important things you need to know about all these AI AI tools the first one is

that we need to know how to talk to them so you might understand that there is an

AI tool that does something for you but if you don't know how to talk and you

don't know how to explain in a way that the AI tool will understand you'll end

up with a garbage video and so what we're going to talk about is the

language a lot of times that we're going to use to get the AI to do exactly what

it is we want and the second thing is we Tools are going to be using chat GTP and we're

also going to be using a tool called vid IQ now vid IQ is actually just chat GTP

packaged up a little differently now what they've done is they've taken chat

GTP and they've actually built an integration into their own website and

then they've trained it a little bit more specifically for YouTube so first

we are going to start vid IQ and that's Ideation going to be for ideation okay we need to

come up with a good video idea something that's really going to knock people's

socks off and get a bunch of views now vid IQ makes this really easy and all

you've got to do is go to vid IQ and sign up and you'll go to AI coach right

here and then it's going to have some prompts we're going to go to give me

five video ideas about we're just going to click that right here and again this

is going to ask chat GTP this question but with a little more data now my

channel is all about Job hacks things like that and so getting a job might be

a good one that we'll type in right here and it's going to spit out five

different cool video ideas for us to run with now you can see right here it's

given us five ranging from resumes to interviewing to networking now if you

don't like it you can always say give me five more and it will give you five more

I think we're gonna run with something resume related because that's something

that really did really well on the channel before so we're going to run

with how to create a resume to stand out from the crowd next we need to come up

with the title and that's pretty easy all I'm going to do is I'm going to

Coming up with a title click refresh and we're going to say fix

this title and I'm going to type in something like how to create the perfect

resume right now it's going to fix this title or give me a bunch of title ideas

for this so it says step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect resume I'm

actually okay with that if I wasn't okay with that I would say try again and it

would try again and I can say try again as many times as I needed to until I got

a title that I felt like had a good potential for a lot of clicks for

example The Ultimate Guide to writing a standout resume also a great title I

might run at that one instead anyway once you select your title you now have

a video idea you've got a title and it's time for you to start scripting so for


step three we actually are going to use chat GTP to make our script and the

reason that we want to do that is chat GTP tends to give you longer and more

filled out scripts so if you try to use vid IQ you'll find that it's only two or

three hundred words the script it spits out and chat UTP you can you can talk to

it enough and get it to give you a long script and I'll show you what I mean so

when I say write a thousand word script for a YouTube video let's say I have 12

techniques for crafting the perfect resume now I'll tell it to write five

sentences about each technique and I'll be witty and guess what sometimes it'll

listen and sometimes it won't and in this case it didn't listen Okay so it

started to write a pretty good resume right here you can see all I did was

tell it to write and I told it to be witty I always tell it to be witty hey

there job Seekers and it gives me a nice little intro and then it starts to dive

into the points now this isn't going to be long enough I can already tell that

it's not going to be long enough so you'll see that I respond down here and

I say write it again but I want you to go into more detail about each of the 12

techniques and chat GDP I'll dive in and do that so you can see right here it's

going to start right on the techniques again and this time we're getting a

little more we're getting five six seven sentences for each one which is much

more in line with the length that we want and we could tell it as many times

as we want to go into more detail we could tell it to go into more detail

about point two all you've got to do is respond back and forth until you have

what you feel good about you're also going to find that as it's going it

sometimes stops going and you can see right here have someone else review it

this and then it stops all you've got to do is tell Chance ATP to keep going it's

almost like it has a brain freeze so you'll tell it to keep going and it will

finish up this article and or finish up this YouTube script and then it will

finish up with a good closing statement right there as well now at this point

you're just a few minutes in all you've done is get an idea you've got a title

and you've got a script and each of these unless you battle back and forth

with the AI should take you about 30 seconds now it comes time to actually

make the video this is where I was blowing a lot of money before the video

editing and the video voiceover and all that that was costing me a lot of money

Video creation

on my previous channel but it doesn't anymore so what we're going to use is

we're going to use a tool called in video dot IO and we'll leave a link down

below to that as well again they have a free plan everything I'm talking about

can be done on the free plan if you want to improve the quality of your video in

a lot of different ways obviously there are different paid plans that will

dramatically make your video better you'll get access to better footage

access to better music you'll get better Transitions and stuff you'll just be

able to make a better video but that's up to you now as we dive in here all you

can do is you're going to go to create new and you're going to go to editor

right here okay now we're going to choose landscape because that's the

dimensions of a YouTube video and it's going to pull up this awesome online

editor right here now once you've opened up this editor we're going to need to

add just a placeholder essentially something that's going to sit there to

tell it how long the video needs to be while we build everything around it just

go to images right here and click on any image and it'll add the image we're

going to shrink it down shrink down the view here and we're going to extend the

image to as long as you think your video is going to be I think we're probably

going to shoot for six to eight minutes so I'm going to go about seven minutes

right here again this is just a placeholder now we can add our voice

over now this used to be hard all I'm going to do is record it directly in

here you can use an external mic or you can use your own mic or you can actually

have it do the voiceover for you if you'd like but I personally prefer to

record my own voiceovers because it only takes me five minutes and I can use my

own voice inflections and things like that so you'll click voiceover and

you'll have four different options you can close you can choose automated text

to speech for that option all you're going to have to do is copy this whole

script and you're going to copy it directly into this section right here

and then you select a voice and it will generate an entire voiceover for you and

spit it out on a timeline right here like I said it still sounds a little bit

robotic so instead I'm going to go to voiceover and I'm going to select that I

want to record my voice over and then all I do is directly record my voiceover

directly into in video so I'm going to click record and I'll record it real

quick job Seekers are you tired of submitting all right so once we've got

our voice over in there we're going to have two different clips on two

different lines right here now we're going to need to start adding the actual

media the actual video and this is really easy to do you can see right here

on the left you click video and it's going to pull up just tons of stock

video and all you've got to do is search the stock video now again if you're on a

if you're on a better if you're on a paid plan you're going to find that you

get a lot more access to a lot better video but there's plenty of video even

if you're not on that paid plan so we're going to click right here and I'm going

to type in I'm just going to listen to the first minute okay in the first

little bit I talk about resume so I'm going to type in something like resume

right here and you're going to see I'm going to get a bunch of different video

options that I can add that um our resumes you can see this is one right

here I can click on them to preview them if I want or I can just say yeah that

looks good and I'll click plus and then I can either select the entire clip and

add it or I can select a piece of the clip and say I just want that clip right

here now I'm talking about Job Seekers so a job application is perfect I'll

click add and it's going to start another timeline right here okay now

depending on the size of that stock footage you might need to drag it to

make it big enough and we will do that on this one you can see we'll drag it to

fill up the screen so it does fill up the screen now we're probably going to

want to change our view back to something a little more detailed so you

can see right there I'm going to drag that a little bit and we're going to

dive in here now and we're going to start making edits all we're doing is

adding footage as we go so I'm going to listen to another section of 5 to 10

seconds and then I'm going to add more footage over and over and over again now

one thing you'll notice that as you're adding footage it's actually going to

create new timelines each time you can see these four timelines right here I

just added this and it added it on another timeline so all you're going to

do is just continually drag it to the end right there so I'll continue and

I'll continue to add videos and each new video will be added to its own timeline

no worries I'll just click it and drag it into this video timeline right here

alright so you can see right here I've got a bunch of videos in there I've got

I've got my voiceover going and you could technically be done with it right

here we'll click play hey there job Seekers are you tired okay

you can see we've got this video but we're going to want to add a little bit

more detail make it a little more exciting because obviously we want to

get a lot of views on this right so next we're going to add some kind of text now

all you got to do to add text you're going to go over here and you can see

there's a text option right there and there's templates that you can easily

add over different points of the video so if you've got a video with a list of

12 that's a good spot to start adding your text where each time we bring up

another item in our list like this video I'll add a bit of text all right so my

first point is customizing your resume to fit the job so all I'm going to do is

I'm going to choose a category for me I love minimalist here I'm going to click

minimalist and it's going to give me all these cool options I think I'm going to

go with something like this one right here so I'm going to click on it and I'm

just going to drag it and it's going to add it to the timeline above right there

you can see it's now got a fourth timeline this is the timeline for our

text where we're going to add all of our text now I can easily click in there and

I can edit the text just by going right here and editing the text I can also do

a lot of different things with fonts if I you know if I really want to get

creative and go crazy I can do that we're trying to spit out videos quick

here for a faceless channel so I'm just going to be okay with this and I'm gonna

say step number one fit the job okay step number one and I'm actually gonna

put an enter right there because I want to be on the second line step number one

fit the job I'm pretty good with that again you can animate it and do all

kinds of fun things if you want I can click here and just kind of have it come

in come out kind of slowly show up on the screen all that fun stuff but that's

kind of up to you and your creative abilities so I'll go through here and

I'm going to add text to each of the different spots where it makes sense for

me to throw some text over the screen as well now to do this it's actually a lot

easier than having to do that whole all those steps we just did again all I'm

going to do is I'm copying and pasting,it so I'm going to click onto that

current step we made I'm going to paste it and then I'm just going to drag it

down to where the next spot is I'm gonna do the same thing paste it I'm going to

drag it to where the next spot is and then all I've got to do is I really only

had to edit it once right now I can click into this next one I can go to

edit up here and I can change the text it'll keep all the animations I added

all the Styles all that stuff so that I can maintain a style throughout the

entire video last thing is we want to add music and once again this is really

really easy to do we're going to go again on this left where everything's

happening we're going to click on musi and you can see right here it's going to

pull up tons of different genres ofmusic I don't know any YouTube videos

that want angry music typically you want something more inspiring so you'll click

into there and you can listen to the music and then click plus to add it when

you find something you want now I'm pretty happy with this first one

honestly I find the ones at the top seem to be better than the ones as you get

closer to the bottom but I'm going to click plus right here and it's going to

start a new music timeline right down here I'm going to click I'm going to

drag it to the beginning and then you're going to want to click on it and you're

going to want to make it a little quieter because typically it's going to

be full volume when it goes in there so we'll click on volume right there we'll

click here and we'll drop the volume down to maybe 35 percent of what it

typically is all right so here's where we're at right now hey there job Seekers are you tired of

submitting resumes that never seem to get a response okay that's a pretty good intro and I

think I'm okay with that music running throughout the entire length of the video now you can go in and you can add

Transitions and you can add overlays and all kinds of elements and whatever it is that you want if that's the route that you want to take again you don't need to be doing that for a lot of these YouTube

videos but you can get as creative as you want anyway once you're done you're gonna end up with something that looks similar to this hey there job Seekers are you tired of submitting resumes that

never seem to get a response don't worry we've got your back in this video we'll

be sharing with you 12 techniques for creating the perfect resume that will

get you noticed by recruiters and hiring managers let's get so that's a pretty

good video I think the voiceover is fun I think the script is great they on

screen everything is good I'm pretty happy with this video and honestly this

is as good as what I was getting at a Fiverr spending anywhere from 50 to 100

per video so all we have left is two parts we need a thumbnail and we need a

description once again we're going to use vid IQ or chat GPT we're going to

use a tool called mid-journey to make


our thumbnail now what mid-journey is is it's an AI image Creator and it can be incredible and Power powerful or it can be terrible and it can come out with garbage again it depends on how you talk

to it and how you tell it what you want so I'm going to paste in exactly the

prompt that we're going to use for this and then I'll explain why we're doing

different things so I'll leave a link down to Mid Journey Down Below you're

going to need to download something called Discord and it's going to come up

with a section that looks just like this once you're in Discord now once you're

in it is kind of crazy because you get to see everyone's pictures which is kind

of fun but anyway you're going to scroll all the way down here to newbies and

you're going to click into any of these newbie rooms I'm going to click newbie

66 if you're gonna see all these different paintings and things that

people are getting done by mid-journey then you're going to type in backslash

and you're going to type in the word imagine okay and then it's going to ask

for a prompt so after you type in Imagine then you get to tell it what you

want and this is what I'm going to do for this one I'm going to say I want to

picture a person handing a resume to a smiling man in a suit so again we need

to be specific but we can do this over and over again if it doesn't work out

now I'm going to give it some really Specific Instructions I want it to be

colorful and bright it might do something dark and I tend to find that

YouTube videos that are thumbnails that are colorful and bright do better I'm

also going to tell it to be realistic I don't want I want to look like an actual

person right I typically see people's faces do better on YouTube so I'm going

to go for that realistic then I'm going to type in 8k and all that tells it is I

want something with good resolution and then last this is really important

you're going to type in dash dash AR space 16 colon 9 and that just tells it

that we want different dimensions we don't want it to be a square because

this is a YouTube thumb so we're going to go for 16.9 once I type all of that

in I'm going to click enter and we're going to wait about 30 to 40 seconds and

it's going to actually give me four different pictures that I can choose

fom so I'm kind of looking and I don't love that it's adding a picture right

here I kind of like this bottom left one and I kind of like this top right one I

I think I'm kind of leaning towards this top right one you can tell he's handing

the resume he's got that smile now again I can go in there and I can do it again

over and over again if I feel like it's not giving me what exactly that I'm looking for I can say I can remove

colorful I can remove realistic I can say you know make it bright instead of

colorful all kinds of different things we can say till we feel good I feel

pretty good about this yellow one right here so I'm going to to do is I'm going

to go right here and I'm going to figure out this is one two three and four the

pictures and I'm going to say U2 all that means is I want you to blow up and

just give me a full-size version of that second picture and it's going to spit

that out for me now while it's doing


that I'm going to head back over to vid IQ real quick we're going to go into

that AI coach and we're going to say write a subscription for a video about

the perfect resume okay and you're going to get your description all ready to go

it'll take this about 10 seconds which is about the same amount of time it's

going to take mid-journey now you're all good to go you've got your video you've

got your description you've got your title you've got your thumbnail all

you've got to do is Click upload and watch those views come in now you can

start a faceless Channel and scale and grow that faceless Channel at no cost

while putting out literally dozens of videos every single day 2023 is going to

be a crazy year for YouTube




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