How to use AI to write engaging SEO-optimized articles 05
oops this is a great example sometimes things
go wrong so what he's done here is
he's starting to tell himself a longer
command including information from
over here and actually this is too long of a command if I tried to run this
I'm just using these arrows sorry to
clarify you don't need to use them I'm using them to show you guys that it's a
command so you can see it but you
don't need to use them if I tried to run this really long
command that he has you can see he
says commands must be about 50 words this is
a lot longer than 50 words he's gone
a little bit overboard so I would just get rid of that
there are some ways that we can adjust
this now to get him to give us the right command so you can just say write a
post about this wine tasting and get
rid of the content brief because he's naturally going to include it
um I could say write a blog post
about it and then use the name of this tour I'm like there are so many different
I could write period and add some of
the information to it um basically I'm gonna go with the
the easiest way here is just to
revert back to write a blog post about this wine tasting
now why do I say blog posts and not
paragraphs because for a paragraph that's
a lot shorter it's not going to be
as long it's not going to be like the structure of a blog post and Jasper does
understand when you say to write a
blog post that he's writing a section of it
so he's going off here give him a
but essentially we're just asking
him to write this post in a different way so here we've got to look no further
this one or oops I missed the start
of it are you looking for the perfect way to experience the realm with your partner
look no further than a wine paste and
tour on this special day trip from
Rome so he is referencing this one um he's just not used the name of it and
that's something you might want to
edit and change on this special day trip from Rome you and your significant
other can explore
the Renown I'm not even going to try
to pronounce it because I haven't lived in Italy I was 16 when I lived there I
don't remember how to say anything
in Italian sample some of the best wines
knowledgeable local guide providing
a dedicated audio headset so he pulled that right from here
um you'll get a three-course lunch
on the Tuscan Farm Unforgettable experience so grab your partner and get ready
embark I don't know why he did this
but basically, he wrote a second version of
it and that sometimes happens um so
you can Frankenstein the two together if you want you can get rid of
this one if you want to again would be something where you could return some of that output that he gave I
away too fast so I couldn't have
done it um but this is quite a short little piece here
like that's not enough in my opinion
for what I would want this post to include
so that's where you might want to
use some of these other commands so this one here is to write a blog post
about this wine tasting including
and then you write the feature that you really want him to focus on so down
he didn't talk about the free time
that you get to explore this local area
um he didn't talk about the way
you're supposed to dress or the number of people on the tour so I might say
um to write a blog post about this
wine tasting including and I would specifically address those three things
and then just put like um how to
dress comma and then list more
your commands can be long they can
be 50 words so I could even say including
feature um remind them oops I can't type
and talk at the same time remind them to
include um uh to Braden that's all
basically, that's it another way is
to include a feature to benefit so a feature to benefit is where
he takes the feature like there are
50 people and then writes why that's good for people and this is a really great
a thing so to do this one you just
structure it um like you include the benefits in a list like this or the
pregnant features
and then beneath it you say to write
the feature to benefit you can also have him write an Aida
which is an attention interest
desire something else I don't remember the word for it but essentially he'll
it is kind of like a quick sales pitch
and lastly you can have the write a blog
post about this wine tasting in Rome
including something personal about you so there is one tour on this list where
they do a local gelato tasting I
really love gelato I'm going to include that but for the sake of time we're
going to
keep moving so the next way
you can do this is we have another tour here that pulled a
bunch of info um this way is what
people might consider cheating I'm going to explain
why it's not so I'm going to use
three asterisks up here so that Jasper can't see what I did
above so he's not going to copy my
previous structure and I'm going to remove everything from the content brief
now one of my competitors I pulled up here bounce never heard
of them but they have toured here so
what I can do is I can copy one of
their tours and paste it into Jasper
I'm going to just number it so it looks
similar to the structure ours um
let's make it an H2 there we go and
now if I come down here and I put
the information for this tour in our content
brief and I have Jasper guess I'm
just gonna
Hit demand J and have him write what
he's doing he's not copying our competitor he's copying their patterns
Jasper uses pattern recognition to
um he does look like he's rough ones together
we have to adjust the command for
this but he uses pattern recognition to see how they structured the internal
bit of
their blog post so, for example, it
mentions the time it takes it mentions that you get great insights into the
City and stuff like that it mentions
where it goes um this is a great way if you're finding
that you don't know how to structure
your affiliate posts to get them to give
to kind of pre-populate a structure
I'm gonna say write a blog post about
pasta I'm making with wine tasting
being a dinner and press
things will just run this but you
can see that he's referencing the time which he didn't do in the one above
um or apparently in like the first
one we wrote but he sees that it's in here so he's gonna pull that kind of the
of info we want and create um a
different style of blog post this
is really really helpful especially
when you're first learning to do this stuff and again he's not copying anyone
the content he's just copying the
structure and this is really really great to get him to pull certain
information that you
think they definitely need to
include it because all my competitors have it this is pretty short but we could
definitely have him again expand in
the ways I talked about above and as you go if you do this once with your
and then keep things running Jasper
will look at what's above to see the pattern so he looks about 1200 characters
and then we'll pull patterns so this
is why we edit as we go if I don't like how
short this I need to change it
now because otherwise, he's going to see this is the length you want for
beneath it so AI writers again can't do it by themselves they're like a
beginner editor we have to give them
notes and we have to edit things
so lastly I wanted to include
another example
this is kind of worst case scenario
nothing else is working for you you're not enjoying the way that you are
writing with Jasper so what I did is
I found one tour here and I wrote the uh
the post for it so I wrote what I
wanted this exact um highlight the whole thing
so you can see how long it is um I
wrote the description of the tour and this is what I want Jasper to do I
want him to write something that's
this intense and has this much detail so I just
like above basically exactly the
same as our example number two is I'm gonna be
the sample now rather than having a
competitor that I copied and pasted my writing that I pre-wrote is now going to
be the pattern recognition that
Jasper is going to follow let me just clarify that
I have to go down to number four
and say write a blog post it's
because we're running out of time I don't want to spend too long writing the
and we'll give it a moment to
populate so scroll down and see what he's doing
so you can see he's done it again a
little bit shorter that's partially because I had so many short steps above
um but he has included the name of
the tour um just like the one I have above he's included the hours it takes a number of
people um there are just some minor
edits you'll have to do along the way if I was doing this fully as a post I
would be editing
more detail in more detail as we go
could write these so you're just going
to input the information in bullet
points and then use one of these three methods to guide Jasper then you're
going to look at his output you're
going to adjust it and edit it to whatever you want to do and then you'll move
on to
the next tour and as you keep going
it will get easier and easier and easier usually the first one to three you
to do a bit more editing but then as
you keep going he really locks in the pattern and suddenly you've got 15
that'll be done I just want to
address the conclusion quickly because conclusions do really
matter so you're going to want to
write an engaging conclusion about whatever tour name that is the best to tell
him I
I really like this one or you're going
to have him reference another post on Food Tours for an
internal link but you just like the name
which one it is on your site um you can write a serious conclusion if
you want to change the tone of voice
so let's just run the first one so we see what it looks like
and so I didn't tell them which tours
that he just picked one and that's fine um
and he's gone into a bunch of detail
here so we've got a nice little conclusion about why that tour is the best
and everyone should take it and
that's really all you have to do so I'm going to stop sharing my screen now and
back to the slides perfect okay so
as you can see there are tons of ways
Key takeaways for using AI to write
to do this but really the details
you need to know are that you need to include your own
outline and you have to research as you
go and reach ahead of time and update as you go it's massively important
then to create these high-quality
outputs you want specific commands where you target your ideal audience you
he copy different patterns and you
are going to keep editing continually
then to fix common issues I've seen
people have with AI writers you're going to use three asterisks to block text
from his view so he can't see above
what you've done if let's say it's kind of off-topic or you didn't like what
happening um or if he is just saying
the same thing over and over again you can restrict your commands like I
did when he didn't give an output
that I liked if it's repeating himself or it's too short you need to change the
give another command input more research
to help him out
and tone of voice will change a
piece like I said Darth Vader and Oprah will have very different perspectives
on what
lines were for you to take now I
covered a lot here and I know
where I'm going a bit over time
because of it but I really wanted to give you guys all the commands if you want
more commands I have a free ebook
for y'all called the best Jasper AI Commands for Bloggers and you'll get the
link to
this is when you get the slides and I
include commands for even more than just writing blog posts
and don't forget to join travel
pants y'all you're going to need to do this to
use all of their amazing affiliates
so thank you so much for joining me um I
am Nina and you can find more of my
stuff on she knows so we are now
going to open it up to comments
and questions and I want to thank everyone I see that there are so many and I
appreciate that I know I went into a
ton of details so yeah let's dive into some
of the questions um so so far the
tool looks easy to use I wonder how long it takes to really
learn it it doesn't take that long
to be honest I don't think you need to know every single thing a tool does you
need to know the most important
stuff so I learned it in a month with no
tutorials no help um and I made a
lot of mistakes and wasted a lot of words so if you have a
a course like mine or an ebook like
mine it will speed that up and I do think it just takes a couple blog posts
seems like you're doing an extensive
amount of work as you should and have to put in so many commands how does this
save any time with AIS you've done
most of the writing already I haven't really written though that's the thing is
haven't come up with um unique terms
of phrase I've just inputted exactly like
what the tour site had and if I just
put that out there I'm plagiarizing so you
do actually need that written
content and it'd be the same this is exactly the same as I've seen a lot
people deliver to their freelance
writers when I was a freelance writer that's what people delivered to me and
rather than paying someone to do
that fill-in-the-blank stuff you would use AI to do it but you do have to do
research otherwise yeah you're not
providing first-hand information and then you're not going to rank on Google
if you generate a post through AI
but then manually edit parts of it with human power can you get around
yes but even with the right commands
you can get around detectors without having to do a lot of editing
detectors aren't great, to be honest
um they're mostly just looking at how
similar is it to the top 10 of
Google already and what new information do you provide so if you include
something like
the I love gelato bit that's unique
enough and if you include unique stuff in your outline and research as
what are your thoughts on using different Affiliates in the same post for example buy iter and get your guide I think that's fine I do try to pick one
that converts best for my site I did a bunch of tests on this I used a program called the filament that helps you like
track data of like who's clicking where and these heat maps and stuff but you
don't really need that much you can kind of just look at which one is making me more money after a couple posts
um I come from Canada and a lot of Tours aren't on these programs so I do sometimes have to use two and I think
it's fine as long as you check the terms and conditions for each one sometimes they don't let you use their links in
tandem with somebody else's um but it's not super common so I would
think it's totally fine I've done it thank you what converts best for you is a hot link
within a sentence click here at the end of the paragraph or something else um I didn't have time to cover this but
I create a little yellow paragraph so it's just a paragraph I change the background color to like a light yellow
you'll see tons of examples of this on she knows you go and take a look and then I just include a sentence
that's kind of a take-action sentence like buy now or check availability and prices or whatever I don't find click
here helps because it doesn't tell them what to do so it's like I would choose something instead like book the best
tour here or the check availability and prices have been doing very well for me
um but yeah I find widgets don't convert very well and those like fancy boxes that everyone seems to like from
like um that is like a full box with all the editor's choice and stuff they haven't done anything for me
is generated content from Jasper SEO optimized or do I have to do that too you're gonna have to do the work this is
the thing um Jasper I think a lot of people think will do everything for you and it won't it's more about it will
write the content um especially like the first three like I said we had to do a lot of work here typically
um I write maybe one paragraph Max and then just run through it um but then I SEO optimize especially
because that's what I love to do but usually your outline is where you do more of that anyway so since you're
writing the outline you're already SEO optimizing it if you're including keywords anyway
how can businesses train their AI writers to create blog posts to align with their brand voice and values so the
The first thing is going to be um figuring out what your tone of voice is that's going to be really important with Jasper
chat and even chat GPT chat you can input here's an email I wrote or
something and say Define that style as Nina's style and then you can give it
another email to write and say write this email in Nema's style with Jasper boss mode you just do that with the tone of
voice and then in the content brief you would say who your audience is what
your brand information and values and then have him run with that in his mind basically it's like a notes area
where you're just gonna tell him like keep this in mind as you do everything and that's really where you'll do it
um but each like boss mode document is a new document so you'll have to fill those in each time but as you do it it
becomes second nature and you're just copying and pasting it from the last one basically
how much time do you think Jasper saves you overall on an average blog post I can write a 5 000 word affiliate blog
post in about 10-15 minutes now with Jasper um doing outlines does not take me long
it takes me maybe five minutes on top of that and then the formatting now I have a VA who does it but even when I was
formatting Max half an hour so I can get a good 5 000 word blog post out in
an hour now but before that would take me like maybe three days to do one um and yeah it really speeds things up
which is great so I find the speed is more about learning it well enough and
then going from there but like I said I was doing 100K words and 150k words one week which is kind of a crazy week
um but that was partially the ebook and I was working like I had a full-time job at a law firm I was also freelance
writing and that didn't include the word count this was just for my blog word Camp um I was doing a lot of other jobs so it
let me do this while I was eating dinner on the couch rather than staying up till 4am and not sleeping for six
months because I got into Mediavine in six months just writing with AI and I believe this is the last question
so I wanted to thank everyone again for coming and I really appreciate everyone showing up and I see tons of other
questions um and yeah if you have other questions feel free to reach out to me at and don't forget to join travel payouts and look into all the
Affiliates like there are so many you probably have never heard of some of them and then when you learn about them
like I've booked stuff because I learned about the program from travel pants and I was like I need to take this
and so yeah hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day um and go out and write your own
Valentine's Day-themed post it's my challenge to you bye everybody
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