3 ChatGPT Extensions You need to Download Immediately


is good right damn right is good it's one of the best thing I've seen since the creation of the internet Ronnie well what if I told you it could be better by that I mean what if you could do more or simply lift some of its limitations well in this video I'm going to introduce and review three Chrome extensions for chatgpt that are going to supercharge your GPT Journey let's go

What are we going to learn today

what is up everyone Ronnie here welcome back to the channel this is the best place for you to learn about canva to learn about AI to learn about all of these tools to make you a better content creator my name is Ronnie and if this is the first time you're joining us well welcome to the channel we have plenty of videos for you today we talk about chat GPT again and how we can make chat GPT even more powerful through a couple of very impressive very useful Chrome extension so first heads up this is

Important recommendation

going to work so the extensions I'm going to mention in this video for Google Chrome as your browser so if you're not using Chrome this is not going to work for you so I would recommend you also install Chrome on your computer and that's pretty much it I think we are ready let's jump into the first extension

ChatGPT Extension #1: TalkBerry

all right I am here on my Google home page the way you search and find these Chrome extensions very easy locate these three little dots right here on your Google Chrome window click here then you will want to head over more tools and then go to your extensions right here if you click here Google will show you all of the extensions you already have installed on your computer if you want to add more to that click on the little hamburger menu right here click here and then all the way down open Chrome web store okay so I'm going to click here open Chrome web store and this is your web store this is where you can browse you can search for different Chrome extensions so the first one that we are going to try to install today is called talk very okay talk Berry this one right here talk Berry talk to chat GPT so we are going to click on that so for me here because I already installed that extension I have a button to help me remove it from chrome but for you it will probably say install to Chrome or install this extension something like that so click on that blue button then you should be good to go so once you've done that come back to chat GPT and by all means this will work with any version of chat GPT I'm here using the paid version chat GPT plus but if you

have the free version of chatgpt this will also work so come back to chat GPT and refresh okay so if you do refresh

this is what you should be seeing you should be seeing a green button right here with the microphone and a language

and then a couple of options right here so basically what this extension does

talk very is that it allows you to interact with chat GPT with voice so I

can now prompt chat GPT by using my voice and my voice only okay so you can

do that in several languages you see you have your drop down menu right here so let's put in English us all right and

let's try this out if this is the first time you use stockberry you will probably need to give the extension

access to your microphone so that should be a little pop-up window popping up somewhere once that is done you can

start using your regular microphone to prompt right so let's try it I'm going

to hit that green button and give my prompt you are a YouTube expert your

task is to optimize every title I'm going to give you for maximum clicks on

YouTube start with this title three chat GPT extensions you need to download

right now I'd be happy to help you optimize your YouTube titles for maximum clicks okay let's pause that let's put

this on mute all right so what happened here is that I delivered the entire prompt to chatgpt using my voice so that

was speech to text and it delivered the entire sentence without any mistake

after that I clicked on the red button to finish my prompt and it automatically

launched the prompt let me regenerate the response certainly here's an optimized title for maximum clicks on

YouTube boost your chat experience three must have GPT extensions to download now this title emphasize okay so not only

can you prompt chat gbt using your voice but it will also read the output back to

you in a specific voice and that voice you can actually customize it you see

you have your languages here you have your speed so it's not that but if you click on that little person icon right

here you will see different types of voices different types of emotions or voices so let's try something else this

is Google US English which by all means is one of the best voices that this extension is using so that's why I chose

this one to start with but let's say flow right here let's try flow

okay something weird going on I haven't changed the speed but this is way too

fast so I cannot understand anything let's try Superstar certainly it is an optimized title for

maximum place on YouTube no no no that's very robotic let's try one last one I've seen other languages so you have Spanish for example let's say Sandy in Spanish

all right no good so by far your best choice right here is to stick with the

Google voices okay so let me go all the way back to English right here English

Google UK English male or female let's try the female voice certainly here's uh

tonight's title for maximum clicks on YouTube okay so yeah the Google voices

are by far the best ones so I would recommend you use these ones so this is

what talk Berry does all right one thing I could try now let me give it a

follow-up prompt okay that was good now translate all of this into Spanish

please click here to finish Equity ends until julowa okay so now

Chad GPT just translated this entire paragraph right here into Spanish if I'm

trying to read Spanish with an English voice it's gonna sound like claro blah

blah blah blah like very Foreigner Spanish so just want to show you the

Spanish voice okay so I'm gonna find Spanish and I'm gonna use the Google

Spanish where is Spanish espanol Google espanol this one right here and by all

means to read the text again you need to click on that little later

okay so this voice very fluid very nice like a neutral Spanish from Spain accent

I would say I've seen that you have other accents for Spanish but I would definitely recommend you stick with the

Google voices so you have Google espanol but I think you have other ones from

Google Google so this one will be different because the Spanish spoken in the United States

like the official Spanish from the United States is going to sound different from the Spanish from Spain so

there you go a little something to play around with I just find that this ability to talk and prompt chat GPT with

your voice is very useful also this is a great tool for accessibility if you have

problem reading or if you are much more comfortable hearing the information this

is great because you will have everything read to you and you can control everything with your voice only

I think this has some potential great use cases if you want to practice languages for example you could do

something like that so you start writing sentences let's try something let's prompt this guy again so forget all

previous prompts give me a list of 10 sentences that a beginner Spanish

learner should absolutely learn

okay so certainly here is a list of 10 essential sentences for beginner Spanish

learner okay so I have the 10 sentences so now if I'm completely new at learning

Spanish I will probably have difficulties pronunciating this correctly so let's try to use one of the

voices here like Google espanol all right yeah read that to me it is

hello how are you nombre my name is name

okay so you see the voice will read the English with a horrible Spanish accent

but it will read the Spanish with the proper Spanish accent so I think this

could be great as a language tutor and therefore you can practice your Spanish

French whatever language you are trying to learn all right I think you get the point again this one is called Talk

Berry and I recommend it now let's move on to the second Chrome extension for chat GPT and this one is called prompt

ChatGPT Extension #2: ChatGPT Prompt Genius

genius thank you so back to our Google web store right

here I'm gonna use the search box again and type in prompt genius

there you go it's gonna be the first one right here it's called chat GPT prompt genius discover share import and use the

best prompt for chat GPT so you need to click on that so just like before you need to install that extension from this

blue button right here and once you've done that you can come back to chat GPT refresh what I've done as well is that I

deactivated my talk Berry one otherwise you have all the extensions all at once

so to deactivate let me quickly show you you can go from here so this page if you

don't know how to access this page let me show you go to your navigation bar right here and you should have a little

puzzle piece like so right here it's called extension so click on that and then go all the way down manage

extensions and you should land on this page with all of your extensions so you

see ID activated you can turn them on and off individually so I turned off stockberry and I turned on Chan GPT prom

genius okay so I can come back to chat GPT refresh my page and this is what you

should see all right so you have GPT prom genius templates right here installed and this is what you should

see you should see a drop down list saying all categories with a bunch of different categories and you can search

for prompt the thing is if you click on the category you don't see anything happening not yet but hang with me so

prompt genius is going to be super useful for a multitude of different

things but its main benefit I would say is that it will allow you to create and

save prompts for future use for easy access I would say so let me start with

that functionality with the creation of a brand new prompt so in order to create a prompt you need to head over your

right side panel right here and you locate this button that says plus new prompt okay so I'm going to click on

that and from here it's going to generate this item right here in this menu use called Untitled prompt so I'm going to click on it I can give it a name so let's call it YouTube experts all right and the prompt is similar to The Prompt that I used in the first example so my prompt goes like this you are a YouTube expert you've grown multiple channels over a million subscribers you know what works and what doesn't work on YouTube your task is to help me optimize the titles hooks thumbnails and descriptions I'm going to give you make sure you improve them so that my audience wants to watch my videos okay so that is my prompt you can

give your prompt some tags so for example I can write YouTube and then you add a comma I can add

marketing coma and I can add SEO okay category you

can choose a category so that's probably going to be marketing let's see if I do have education learning expert consult

let's go expert consultant yeah expert consultant that's good enough I'm Gonna Save this prompt and now you see my

prompt is Right Here YouTube expert okay it's right here and if I refresh my page

there you go I can see the YouTube expert prompt that I created is now showing right here and this is the

compact view you can untick this box and you will see the entire prompt right

here all right that was pretty good right well let me show you the next level of creating your own prompts you

can actually add variables to your prompt so let me create one that actually uses a variable so same process

to start it just click on add a new prompt it will create a new line right here and this is the prompt I'm going to

paste it here it goes like this rewrite this email an email is between these

double accolades to notify charge GPT that this is a variable okay so this

will change from prompt to prompt and it will ask you what is the value of what's

between these accolades so rewrite this email and edit it for spelling grammar and legibility use a tone of voice

qualifier again this is a variable so use a ton of voice qualifier total voice

okay so that is my prompt I'm going to give a couple of tags so I'm going to put here email

writing copyright thing okay category let's go for music speech and scripts

good oh yeah I need to give it a name so this would be my email Guru with capital G email Guru save

email Guru and there you go email Guru is right here prompt with my tags my

category everything is here so now if I refresh this page theoretically it

should be there yeah let's go email writing copywriting so my tags are clickable let's see how it works okay

for that I need to go fetch an email I'm going to take a short email so you can see so it asks you for the email enter a

value for email so you paste your entire email right there tone of voice qualifier I want this to be

funny okay I want you to be funny I'm gonna submit it's gonna create my prompt

here and this prompt is ready to launch I just need to click and launch it with enter there you go hey Mia guess what

I've got this super awesome personal branding course waiting for you on udemy let me tell you people are absolutely

smitten with it take a peek and see if it tickers your fancy link to the course

sending you all the best Vibes and virtual high fives so that's pretty good the original email read I do have a

personal branding course on udemy which people have been loving so far have a look and see if it could help you all

the best so very normal I would say now let's do this again all right going back

to my email Guru I'm gonna paste my same email and this time the tone of voice

qualifier is going to be sarcastic I want you to see and feel the

difference between all of these prompts hey there Mia guess what I just happen to have this absolutely amazing personal

branding course waiting for you on udemy it's been a massive hit with people because you know everyone just can't get

enough of it so if you are up for it why not take a peek and see if it's the missing piece in your oh so perfect life

and of course I wish you all the best not ready but enjoy so yeah sarcastic

not really nice but yeah I think you get the points and let me come back to the prompt so you can really see what the

accolades and the variable actually do to your prompt so rewrite this email

email is between the accolades so that's the first variable and so when you launch this prompt you will have the

first box the first text box where you need to paste the value for your email and then ton of voice qualifiers the

other variable it will ask you for that second variable right so that is very powerful that is prompt genius that's

not the only thing you can do with prompt genius that's just the first and main thing the second thing you can do

with prompt genius is to discover and save a bunch of public prompts that are

already out there that have been created by an awesome community of chat GPT

users so let me show you how that would work so in order to get the most out of

the prom genius extension you need to go to your url bar right here or your upper

menu bar and locate the chat GPT prompt genius icon right here once you click on this you will get to the actual

extension so you should find here all of your saved prompts okay so my two prompts are right here so from here you

can interact with this prompt you can use it you can delete it or you can share this prompt on Reddit and Reddit

is where we are going to go to find more of these prompts but if you look at the

left side column right here apart from creating a new prompt which is what we just did you can also browse created

prompts okay so if I click here what I see is a list of curated chat GPT

prompts that have been kind of like created for me so you can see stuff like a chef for example an artist advisor use

the little buttons here like preview and next to have more financial analysts a t-taster self-help book florist

Economist I don't know what Economist is attack base Adventure game etc etc you

have a bunch of different selected prompts right here that you can just

simply use an emoji translator I want you to translate the sentence I wrote into emojis I will write the sentence

and you will express it with Emojis just want you to express it with Emojis okay let's try this one alright so Emoji

translator my prompt is right here if I click on use this prompt this will launch chat GPT and so now I can simply

add my sentence here and it will be translated into Emoji Okay so

if you like this video give us a like

okay if you like this video give us a like submit okay so my prompt is ready just hit enter that's it you know what

to do the button is right there alright so let me try with a larger sentence

this time so like this back to my home page right here Emoji translator if you

are new to this channel don't forget to subscribe for more

videos okay let's see for this one it's a longer sentence all right new TV then

don't file Bell up filming TV all right so basically if you're new

to the channel don't forget to subscribe for more videos alright so I think it's

time we move on to something else you can do it from genius so for that I'm going to come back to the prompt genius

extension again if you forgot how to get there just click on the little prom genius icon right here and that's

exactly where you will land so that's kind of like your dashboard for prom genius you have more options than

directly into chat GPT the next thing you can do right here is to search for

public prompts okay let me show you the public prompts by clicking this button you should be redirected to Reddit and

more precisely to the subreddit for the chat GPT prompt genius extension okay so

from here you can see I am not logged in I don't even have a Reddit account but I

can still see the prompts right here okay so you have a feed with a bunch of different prompts it's kind of messy

there's a bunch of everything what I would recommend you to do is to use the filters okay it says filter by click on

see more and see all of the prompt categories I want to try one about social media all right so social media

right here social media influencers social media marketing Guru let's go with the marketing Guru okay so you have

okay The Prompt right here I want you to act as a social media Market expert for

Twitter and Linkedin I will provide details of the goals I want to achieve

and it will be your job to come up with awesome ideas and plans my first request

is insert now in order for you to use this prompt what you want to do is to

select it like so then right click and locate this item right here that says save text as prompt okay this will

create a new prompt let's call this social media Guru social media content Guru content

Guru enter and your prompt is now saved right here let's try this new prompt

okay so right here chat GPT social media content Guru let's use the prompt I want you to act as a social media Market

expert for Twitter and Linkedin not Twitter but let's use for example YouTube and Linkedin I will provide

details of the goals I want to achieve and it will be your job to come up with an awesome idea my first request is

insert okay so I'll swap insert by create five posts

about finding your voice in a crowded

markets place okay let's launch this sure I'll be happy to help you with your

social media marketing strategy for YouTube and Linkedin here are five post ideas centered around the theme finding

your voice in a crowded Marketplace so post title number one Embrace uniqueness

stand out in a crowded Marketplace in a crowded Marketplace authenticity is key Embrace what makes you unique and let

your voice shine blah blah blah post item number two Define your Niche carve your path to success post number three

engage and connect building relationships that matter Post Number Four consistency is key making your

presence known and post number five Embrace collaboration amplify your voice

together and for each of these post ideas you have an entire caption you

have a couple of relevant hashtags and yeah you have a post title some have

emojis so I would say this gives you a quick outline a quick first draft now

obviously this content has to be taken with a grain of salt you cannot just simply take that copy paste it to your

YouTube Community post or to your LinkedIn feed because this at the end of the day is pretty generic but it

constitutes a good base for you to have three or five post ideas and now you can

take each of these posts and put that back into the grinder and add your

spices your personality maybe a bit more research or play more with chat GPT and

the tone of voice and make it sound more like you an ad inject your personality

into this and you have done 50 of the work or chat GPT has done 50 of the work

for you so that's what I wanted to show you what's to remember here is that from

your main dashboard right here you can either use created prompts public prompts from Reddit that you can can

simply highlight then right click and then save that text as a prompt it will

then be saved back into your dashboard from where you can delete stuff you can reorganize stuff you can maybe attribute

some new tags and then all of that will be usable from right here your chat GPT

home page okay and again if you start to have a lot of different prompts right here you can always use the compact View

and it makes it super small and compact like so this is the first two

functionalities of prom genius it can do more can you believe that more than that

yes so one of the things that I love about prompt genius is it's hotkey all right so you see the text box right here

so that's where you start prompting so if you use the slash command it will show you all of your saved prompts right

here so you have your social media content Guru your emoji translator your email Guru and your YouTube expert

prompt so all of the four prompts that you have created to call them I simply

pressed my slash key just like canva the slash magic but right here slash and

then you can choose any of these prompts and it will trigger The Prompt so let me get out of this so that's the first

thing I wanted to show you but then there are something else something else you can do is to use the share and

Export functionality of prompt genius so for that I'm going to go back to a

conversation for example let me go to an interesting one so this conversation

right here remember beginning of the tutorial so share and Export I'm gonna click here and prompt genius gives you a

couple of format into which you can export your chat your conversation with

chatgpt you can download it as a PDF you can download it as a PNG you can export

MD which I'm not sure what it means if you know what this is let me know in the comments below and you can share a link

which is my favorite so if you click share think what will happen is that shared GPT is going to open a new page

right here with the entire conversation it's like a mini website and so it's called share GPT all right so you can

copy that you can save it and you can view it so I'm going to copy this URL you can delete it as well you can

favorite it but you will need to be signed up all right so I copied this and now I can close this open a new tab

paste my link and there you go I can come back to this conversation so this

is very useful if you want to share a specific conversation with the rest of your team if you want to save it for

later you want to start organizing your stuff in canva docs or whatever like I

have been using this a lot I also like that you can export it as PNG or PDF but

my favorite one of all is this one to share is a link all right let me come

back and wrap up what you can do with from genius so again let me get into one

of the conversations the last setting is the themes okay so if you click on theme settings you can see here no theme but

click on no theme and you can start playing around so you can have this SMS type of theme kind of like on your

iPhone or on your phone in general so that's SMS you can have let's see what

else the hacker style so kind of like this cool Matrix Vibe going on you can have the terminal style so that's like

the old computer style whether it's like just bigger yeah just the same but

bigger and you also have fonts so you can change the font okay so for example you like verdana or if you like a

courier you can just change the font of chat GPT which is pretty awesome so

let's come back to no theme no font but just know that prompt genius gives you

that possibility so that is what I wanted to show you I think prompt genius

is of all three my favorite Chrome extension for chat GPT because it can do

so much I absolutely love that you can create and save your prompts and I also love that you can share your chat your

conversation with chat GPT in multiple different formats so that is really amazing all right it is time we move on

to the third Chrome extension for chat GPT and that is front store

ChatGPT Extension #3: Prompt Storm

[Music] all right back to the Google Chrome Store and let's search for prompt storm

so prom store fill in the blank chat GPT prompts it is this one right here you

can see it's already added so let me enable it first let me make sure I have

no other thing installed or actually running here that's uh deactivate prompt

genius or good and now I can refresh chat GPT and you should see from Storm

you see this little lightning green lightning right here well that is your prompt storm menu the first time you

click here you will need to sign up with promstorm but once you do you should see

something like that so what prompt storm does is that it allows you to craft powerful prompts for both chatgpt3 3.5

and 4. so let's get started so you have a very simple menu like so you can search any prompts but if you don't know

what to search for start with the categories so here select the category so you have art business coding

education entertainment General Health and self legal marketing productivity religion and spirituality travel and

writing all right let's try something in the marketing category subcategory

advertising River lab branding content marketing General marketing let's go social media okay select a prompt find

me social media influencers social media bio improvements yeah let's do this so

you see I like how prompt storm help you craft your prompts with a series of drop

down menus so here what is the social media platform so I'm gonna say Instagram so what is the web address

what makes this a good Instagram bio so you enter that link so we need to find

that and then you will say this is my bio web page address so the second box is to paste your bio and then how can I

take the elements that make the first bio good and make mine better so this is

a very interesting prompt let's go straight to Instagram and try to find

something interesting here oh I have our friend Roger cores right here doing some cool tricks let's watch this later oh

yeah let's use Roger as an example so I'm going to click on my social designer

and basically I need to copy the URL right here come back to chat GPT enter

the link I'm gonna paste it here and I'm gonna go back to Instagram and this time I'm going to my profile okay so this is

my profile I'm not an Instagram person and then I have a link to our YouTube channel so that's how not an Instagram

person I am so I have the link I'm gonna paste it here and I think the prompt is ready what makes this a good Instagram

bio example of Roger this is my bio my link how can I take the element that

makes the first bio good and make mine better let's send this prompt and see what's going on here all right so there

you go the first bio so Roger has several elements that make it effectiveclear and concises description a bio quickly tells users what the account is about social media design and strategy it has emojis the use of emojis add a visual element to the bio making it more engaging Personal Touch the mention of the accounts owner's name Hannah I mean

I think you mean Roger add a personal connection with users then there's a

call to action CTA the bio encourages users to visit the website for more information driving traffic and

conversion and then use of line breaks the bio is formatted with line breaks making it easier to read and understand

to improve your bio Instagram Ronnie Hermosa you can incorporate these

elements clear and concise description your current bio doesn't immediately convey what your account is about

consider adding a brief description of your Niche skills or interests to give users a better idea of what to expect

emojis use emojis Personal Touch call to action use of line breaks so here is a

revised version of your bio based on the suggestions hey I'm Ronnie digital marketer and content creator helping

Brands grow online sharing my live travels and marketing tips check out my latest blog posts and then your blog

post not a fan of this redesign but it has some good points like the line

breaks the Emojis the sharing your passion that's kind of what Roger did right here so he says Roger canva

designer helping you create social media Post in a minute canva Creator canva verified expert find my templates on

canva these are call to action so that's pretty good what Chachi PT recommends here is something similar in that same

range of idea by all means you should all follow my friend here Roger course

my at my social designer on Instagram this guy is amazing he raps about canva

he gets invited to canva create to wrap live on stage with the canva founders

and I had the pleasure to interview Roger last week and so this is gonna come and hit the channel very soon in

the form of our very first podcast so stay tuned for that I will share the

news with you when it's uploaded and ready for you to listen all right back to the tutorial back to our prom store

extension right here that is in a nutshell how Prime storm Works alright so let's do one more prompt with prom

storm and we will leave it there for this next one I'm going to go to my categories select the category I'm going

to go with health and self okay here cooking exercise medical self-help

Improvement let's go for that and last one ask me questions or skill Improvement choose the number of items

so can you tell me the select the harmony items best way so the five 10 best ways to improve my skills in a

topic without going back to school and give me links along with descriptions so

let's choose I don't know canva so tell me and yeah number of items let's say to

10 let's say five so can you tell me the five best way to improve my canvas skills without going back to school and

give me links along with description all right so I think we're good maybe we

should have started a new window so I'm gonna add right here ignore all previous

prompts just in case which I should have started a new conversation okay sure here are five ways to improve your

skills in canva complete with descriptions and links canvas design school this is a free resource provided

by canva itself here you'll find interactive lessons canva design school let's see if this is actually a real

clickable link yeah canva design school oh yeah online courses websites like

udemy offer comprehensive courses on canva Design One highly rated course is

the canva 2023 Master course use canva to grow your business it covers everything from basic features to

designing business specific Graphics link canva course on udemy let's see whose course is that hope it's mine

yeah all right so this is no one's course in particular but the search query canva on udemy so that's basically

all the search results for canva right here and you can see some of our courses here the canva master course which is

still the best-selling course and our canva next lever so two very good courses if you want to get started with

canva let's go back to our prompt YouTube tutorials YouTube is a gold mine for learning new skills channels like

Diana Munoz offer tutorial on canva covering both Basics and advanced topics so we have vyanna's channel right here

noise oh that's not the right Diana Munoz disappointment all right let's come back to chat GPT practice okay yeah

you need to practice using canva so you can use online courses you can follow tutorials on YouTube you can practice as

any skills the more practice the better and you can join canva communities okay so there's a link to a canva community

is this a right link no the link is not working so here we have a bit of a mixed

bag right like every time Chad GPT needs to deal with web results it's kind of so

so this is gonna get better very soon as soon as gpt4 is entirely connected to

the internet which shouldn't be long because I'm seeing that I now have access to the charging pt4 plugins right

here see I have access to the plugins as a chat GPT plus user so only plus user

will have access to that and I heard that together with plugins we will also have web access so these types of

results with link will get better anyways what I wanted to show you in this tutorial is that there are a bunch

of Chrome extensions out there that will come and supercharge your chat GPT

Journey your chat GPT experience these are just three of them that I find super

useful that I actually use in my day-to-day and yeah I hope you found this tutorial useful let me know in the

comment section if you'd like to see a part two of this list like more chat GPT extensions that I could research for you

and present to you actually I have a couple more that I also use but I didn't want to make this video super long so

let me know if you would like to see part two and I will happily create it for you alright my friends thank you for

watching until the end I'm Gonna Leave You with this AI tool playlist right here where you can discover more videos

like this one to learn about chat GPT to learn about the AI tools that's it for today I will see you in the next video



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